Warp drives: The limitless future

Without trancending the speed of light barrier, there is little hope for humanity to travel the universe. See how I am tackling this problem by determing how humanity can become the architects of space and time.

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Black holes and their immense beauty

"The darkest things in the universe simultaneously shine the brightest". This phrase beautifully captures the bewildering and often times paradoxical existence of black holes. Even though I study them everyday, they never cease to astonish me.

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Gravity has a big problem

How do we know our theory of gravity is wrong and why is it unreasonably effective at describing the universe? What makes the theory so beautiful? See why gravity stands out from the other forces of the universe and why I have dedicated more than a decade of my life to studying it.

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My research has spanned many areas of gravity, including the interactions between dark matter and black holes, detecting exoplanets using satellite missions, and new methods of spacecraft propulsion using fundamental fields. Find a list of my published papers below!

GRBoondi: A code for evolving Generalized Proca theories on arbitrary backgrounds

GRBoondi is a brand new numerical relativity code tailored to the study of generalized Proca fields in arbitrary spacetimes. This is a powerful new library that will enable the rapid study of any one of the generalized Proca theories.

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Proca in an Expanding Universe

The superradiant growth of a massive vector field surrounding a rapidly spinning black hole in an expanding universe is studied, further elucidating the behavior of massive vector fields in our own universe.

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Detecting Fundamental Vector Fields with LISA

Leveraging black hole collisions as cosmic-scale particle detectors allows us to study fundamental matter fields using astrophysical dynamics.

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Gravitational Waves in Full, Non-Linear General Relativity

Asymptotic symmetries of spacetime place strong and interesting constraints on gravitational waveforms. This book provides an introduction to the necessary mathematics to understand gravitational waves in full, non-linear general relativity.

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Black holes in f(Q) Gravity

Differential geometry allows for different, but equal, descriptions of gravity. Here we investigate black holes described not by curvature of spacetime, but by another mathematical property.

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Positive energy warp drive from hidden geometric structures

Certain geometric structures lay at the heart of the most common model for warp drives, allowing for greater insight into the feasibility of human-created warp bubbles.

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